The 1st Urban Planning Symposium (UPS) 2024

We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to all distinguished guests, keynote speakers, paper presenters, delegates, sponsors, and supporters to our 1st Urban Planning Symposium 2024 - Navigating the Future through Digital Urban Dynamics. Taking place on 2nd October 2024 at the College of Built Environment (CBE), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam Campus, Selangor, Malaysia, this symposium is set to foster groundbreaking discussions and forge valuable connections in the field of urban planning.

This event is dedicated to providing a platform for discovering the latest developments, technologies, and challenges in urban planning, as well as facilitating networking and collaboration among participants, researchers, and experts. Join us in sharing knowledge, expertise, and experiences that will define the present and future of urban planning.

The organisers are now accepting submissions of research papers, working papers, industrial initiatives, and graduate student research papers that align with the theme.
We are confident that attending this symposium will be an enriching and rewarding experience for all participants, and we eagerly await the opportunity to welcome you and your colleagues.

Feel free to reach out to us through email:


Contact Us
For any information/enquiries please contact:

Contact Us
For any information/enquiries please contact:

Secretariat of 1st UPS 2024
School of Town & Regional Planning
College of Built Environment
Universiti Teknologi MARA
42300, Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor
