School of Town Planning & Landscape Architecture


Landscape Architecture

Studies of Landscape Architecture at UiTM was established in 1985 when the first batch of cohort students were registered to a Diploma in Landscape Design programme. Ten years later, in July 1995, the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Hons) was offered by the Department.

Both programmes are recognised the Public Services Department of Malaysia (JPA). The Bachelor programme is also recognised by the Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM).

At present, the Diploma programme is offered at Seri Iskandar Perak while the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Hons) programme is conducted at Puncak Alam Campus, UiTM Selangor Branch.


Assoc. Prof. LAr Ts Dr Nurhayati Abdul Malek
Head of School
Town Planning & Landscape Architecture
Tel: +603-3258 6256

Accreditation by Professional Bodies


Town & Regional Planning

Studies of Town and Regional Planning was established in July 1969 with an enrolment of 16 students offering the Diploma in Town and Country Planning course, which later changed to the Diploma in Town and Regional Planning. In 1972 a two-year Certificate in Town and Regional Planning was introduced followed by the Advance Diploma in Town and Regional Planning in January 1975. With the amendment to the Institut Teknologi MARA Act, the Advanced Diploma course was renamed Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning (Honours).

From the Semester June 2000, the department has created a milestone in its historical development with the introduction of the three–year part-time Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning (Honours) Programme for diploma graduates and the four-year Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning (Honours) Programme for STPM/Matriculation candidates. However, the Diploma programme is only offered at UiTM Sri Iskandar campus while both the Bachelor programmes (full and part-time) are offered at the main campus in Shah Alam and the part-time Bachelor programme is also offered at UiTM Sri Iskandar campus.

At the department level, the Head of the Bachelor programme is considered the Head of Department and supported by the Head of the Diploma Programme as well as all the Town and Regional Planning academic staff.

The department also has initiated a portfolio for each of the academic staff, which is related to academic matters as well as student affairs. Some of the portfolios are

  • Research and Development
  • Curriculum Review
  • Seminar and Guest Lectures
  • Library
  • Student Advisor
  • Thesis and Final Study
  • Examination
  • Research and Consultancy
  • Industrial Linkages, etc

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Gs Dr Ishak Che Abdullah
Coordinator of Studies
Town & Regional Planning

Accreditation by Professional Bodies