Farewell! Assoc Prof Dr Zakaria Mat Arof (1986-2020) has recently retired in June 2020 as Deputy Rector (Academic) of UiTM Perlis Branch as well as an academic in the Surveying Science and Geomatic (SUG) Centre of Study. He has contributed immensely in the development of SUG education especially at FSPU Perlis branch. Many of currents lecturer and professionals in the field are his students. His service of 34 years at UITM from Feb 1986 to June 2020 reflects his undivided loyalty and commitment in educating the nation’s professionals in Surveying Science and Geomatic. In addition to being a dedicated lecturer, he has held various administrative posts in UiTM Shah Alam and Perlis, culminating with Deputy Rector (Academic) of UiTM Perlis. He is also the author of many scientific studies and papers in GIS and Marine Cadastral fields in addition of being a supervisor of Master and PhD graduates. He is also active in NGOs activities around UiTM Perlis, including the development of Perlis by being a member of the Perlis Maju Committee 2015-2025. FSPU wishes you all the best in your retirement.