UiTM received a generous contribution from the Board of Land Surveyors (LJT) of RM36,200 and RM2,000 from the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) for the university’s COVID-19 Fund. This contribution was presented by a representative of LJT and RISM, Dr. Saiful Aman (Lecturer of the Surveying Science and Geomatics) to Prof. Emeritus Datuk Ir. Dr. Mohd Azraai Kassim, UiTM Vice-Chancellor which was witnessed by Prof. TPr. Dr. Jamalunlaili Abdullah, Dean of FSPU. Thank you to LJT and RISM for the contributions which were channeled directly to affected students in Surveying Science and Geomatics at FSPU Shah Alam and Arau.